Project materials and results

The Co-Bio project has four work packages, that provides insight in co-creation as a methodology for transforming urban areas towars more biodiverse city-scapes.

Insights from the projects work packages

  • State of the art and local mapping analysis

    This report provides a summary of the results in each country with specific recommendations during the development of the Desk Research, Best Practices, Interviews and Focus groups that have been aimed to map the local contest regarding urban biodiversity (UB) and co-creation.

    CO-Bio - State of the Art Report

  • Guide on co-creation of urban biodiversity

    In this toolbox you will find hands-on guidance for facilitators of local co-creation initiatives to enhance urban biodiversity. Tools that will be helpful in facilitating collaboration among a group of participants with different social and cultural backgrounds, skills, perspectives and agendas. Tools which originate from a social psychological perspective suitable for facilitating the collaboration ‘within’ a co cration initiative.Whereas the Co-Bio Guide on Co-creating Urban Biodiversity provides the tools and steps you will need for setting up the initiative and managing it like a project.

    Co-Bio - Tools for facilitating co-creation

    Co-Bio - Co-creating Biodiversity in Urban Areas

  • Local case projects on co-creating urban biodiversity

    This document is meant to act as a reference for the guidelines on how to conduct the local case projects for co-creating urban biodiversity. This paper presents the conceptual framework that provides general directives for the facilitators to follow and make the project coherent and consistent while at the same time being flexible to address the diverse ecological and socioeconomic settings of the places. It is worth pointing out that these guidelines concern the stakeholders’ enablement, mutual benefit, multifunctionality, accessibility, utilization of native species, and habitat diversification.

    Co-Bio - Guidelines for Developing Case Design Principles on Urban Biodiversity